I thought I was loyal. I thought I could be trusted, but after 20 years of devotion to Grapenuts it took only a passing comment by my friend’s hippy mom to get me to toss them aside. Now I love Kashi 7 Whole Grain Nuggets, so don’t be surprised if you see us out together.
She says that Grapenuts are so processed you can’t really digest them and they mess with your blood sugar. I have big problems with blood sugar. Once, due to low blood sugar, I was trapped inside a car I had owned for 6 years because I couldn’t remember how to work the door locks. Low blood sugar has also been known to make me get lost within a block or two of my house, and to step straight out into on coming traffic.
So be forewarned, if we’re ever in a death camp together, I’m going to be a total mess. Oh, and I might sell you out.