Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ideas for Orifices

I was thinking about makeup the other day. Since I fell in love with Adam Ant I've never been satisfied with conventional makeup, and honestly I find conventional ideas of beauty oppressive and boring.

Recently I pondered "what is makeup"? In the moment or two I gave to this question I decided that it's the accentuation of features, orifices in particular, ex. eyes & mouth. Given that, why should I be limited to the traditional orifices?

So yesterday, during my daily avoidance of housewife duties, I trounced the traditional rules of orifice accentuation. (Actually there's been a revolution on the home front, I have decided to toss the term "housewife" and go with "houseloiterer". Not only is it more truthful, it takes the pressure off. I'm sure the hub will be in full support.)

1. After a subtle complexion refining makeup application I outlined my nostrils with a lovely Tiffany blue makeup pencil. The result was both elegant and challenging.

2. I realized that my bellybutton is an orifice. My bellybutton has always made me laugh, the only body manipulation I ever considered was having my bellybutton cosmetically removed. I thought it would be funny and I was in a punk rock "I'm not a part of this f**ked up world!" stage. So I took out my trusty Coco Red lipstick and lined my bellybutton with it. It was unexpectedly shocking, especially since I'm about as tan as whole milk. It looked overly sexual and yet disturbing like a gash, in other words, perfect!

I'll post pictures of my innovations as soon as I can wrestle the camera from my husband.

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