Friday, May 18, 2007

The Logic Diet

I've invented a new diet. Logically it should work great. It's based on these two facts: 
1. It's been proven that in times of plenty the body burns fat, while in times of famine the body stores fat. 
2. If you hypnotize someone into thinking that they're being burned, they'll produce a blister without any heat coming anywhere near them. 

I live in a pretty faminesque state of mind, I'm always worried that I'll be jobless or homeless or globally warmed to death, so it would be a pretty big change for me to believe I'm living in a time of plenty.

If I can make that change, and hypnotize myself into to believing in the plentyness, my body should start burning up fat like crazy. Isn't logic great! One thing I've really got going for me is the ability to believe in things regardless of fact.

I'm not sure if it's working yet, but yesterday, I beheld a feeling of Plenty while I ate a bunch of pizza and chocolate truffles, and I tell you, it felt like the pounds were just melting off of me.

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